30 December 2014

The 2014 book list

For those of you interested, here is a list of all the books, magazines and comics I spent time with in 2014.  I highly recommend #8, 19 (especially if you've read the first two), 48, and 95. Feel free to ask me about any of the others. Keep reading!

  1. The Maltese Falcon - Dashiel Hammet
  2. The Casual Vacancy - J.K. Rowling
  3. The Testament of Jessie Lamb - Jane Rogers
  4. The Inventor and the Tycoon - Edward Ball

26 December 2014

Year end review...

And suddenly, it was the end of the year. Here are a handful of sketches to walk you out. See you next year!

01 August 2014

journal sketches to share

I have reached the end of another sketch journal. I always page through them before I place them on the shelf with the others. Here are some of my favorite pages from the last several months. Enjoy!

03 April 2014

random sketches from another journal

It has been a hard couple of months to get in any sort of serious art work. I still try to sketch or doodle something everyday. Here are a few worth sharing.

10 March 2014

other duties as assigned

My boss is off at a conference. She emailed me asking me to go into the museum proper, visit the gift stores and price all of the pens and pencils with the Academy logo on them. I'm a visual person, so instead of a list, I sent her this image from my sketchbook. :)

02 February 2014

February is Letter Writing Month!!

A challenge to get you letter writing. For each mailing day in February, write a letter and mail it. It is that simple. (More on the challenge here.)

My first set of February letters written yesterday and heading to a mailbox near you!

01 January 2014

the books of 2013

Below is the list of books, journals, and comics that I spent time with in 2013. How geeky!

  1. The Unwritten #42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47; 48; 49; 50; 51; 52; 53; 54
  2. Wild Blue Yonder #1; 2; 3
  3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 9, #16; 17
  4. Angel & Faith, season 9, #16; 17; 18
  5. Willow, season 9, #1; 2; 3; 4
  6. Shimmer #16; 17
  7. Creative Non-Fiction #47; 48;  49; 50
  8. Tin house 14(4)
  9. Saga, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
  10. Print, 67.5