05 February 2012

a window of opportunity

I was sideways surfing the other day (following a link to a blog from a link to a blog from a G+ posting of an author I follow but have never spoken to..) and came across a letter writing challenge from the author, Mary Robinette Kowal. With February being the shortest month, she proposes writing one letter/postcard per day as a different way of approaching writing. "Hoorah for snail mail!!," I say. I love getting letters or cards or anything really to break up the monotony of bills and solicitations. Funny thing is you have to send mail to get mail. I am 4 days behind on the challenge. However, I'm working at the library reference desk on a Sunday while the students sleep in - plenty of time to write to folks! 
Let me know if you want to be on my short list of recipients!


  1. I'll be a pen pal. I have lots of stamps.


    1. Yay! I'll have to make sure I have your correct address...
