21 January 2016

Recent fungal finds

These are everywhere in my yard this year. Hard to say if they are natives to the yard, or sprung from the organic soil I brought in to fluff up the beds. Most likely, Russula rosacea. Not edible.
Here in Northern CA, January is often the wettest time of the year. The ground is green with new growth and fungus pops up underfoot. I have been taking photos mostly. I tell myself I will draw them - and I might yet. I pull my two favorite shroom books off of the shelf (All the Rain Promises and More by David Arora, and Mushrooms of North America by Roger Phillips.)

I do not forage for mushrooms, or eat any of the wild ones I find. Mostly because my mycology professor at MSU had way too many horror stories about pumped stomachs, horrible symptoms and painful agonizing deaths. I am capable of taking spore prints and identifying down to species. I'm usually too lazy. Especially when it is so much easier to go to the grocery store, or the mushroom booth at the farmer's market and get the kind I know are edible. 

Saw these while walking the dogs in Redwood Regional Park. I was fascinated by the frilly lace-like edges. I usually think of shelf fungus as hard. These seemed delicate and soft, as if they were still growing.
Growing on a live oak near a stream in the AIDS Memorial Grove in SF. Could be an Omphalotus - which are highly poisonous.
Another find at Redwood Regional.  Stumpy. The stalks almost wider than the cap. It might have been some sort of Boletus, but I don't know. Like many fungus, they were there for a day or two, and then they were gone.
Also from Redwood Regional. Growing on a stump of some sort. Underside and stalk pictured below. 
I'm guessing the stump is the remains of a conifer, Monterey or Douglas pines grow throughout the park. Looks most like the False Chanterelle, Hygrophoropsis, to me. Likely poisonous.
Saw these this morning by my front door. Looks almost like frost, or rows of insect eggs. I am 90% sure it is a fungus. I loaned my dissecting microscope to a friend so I am unable to look closer than a 10x hand lens. I want to say it the bloom from a mycorrhizal fungus.

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