25 July 2012

Waiting at the bus stop

My car is in the shop, so I've been taking public transit to and from work. I only had 20 pages left in my hardback reading book, so I left it at home. Waiting for the bus, I pulled out my sketchbook to capture the odd roof of the dentist office across the street. I got the basic outlines done before the bus came. On the bus I did some detailing and started to lay down the color.
I use a brush pen - a watercolor brush with the water in the pen handle - and a miniature kiddie paint box with dabs of Windsor Newton watercolors squeezed from the tube. The paints are pretty muddy from years of mixing, but they get the job done. A quick transfer to BART at twelfth and Broadway. Again I managed to get a seat, and was able to finish laying down the color before switching to Muni for my last transit leg. And all before my "working day" began!

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